How To Implement Self Care into Your Life

How To Implement Self Care into Your Life


Stress is one of the biggest topics I talk about with clients, but, many of us believe we aren’t even experiencing it.

We live in a society that encourages a brave face and the ability to push past emotions. We are so tuned in to this behaviour we don’t even realise we are doing it.

Often, stress can come in waves.

You’re feeling good, and things are ‘under control’. But then a shift happens seemingly from nowhere, you begin to feel overwhelmed, things that didn’t bother you before are now the focus of your attention, and you cant seem to snap out of it.

This wave can actually be prevented, through self care.

View these times as reminders to check in with yourself. When was the last time you did something that nourishes YOU? Not your workplace, not your family or friends, just something for yourself.

Can you let go go of negative thought patterns or guilt associated with not doing ‘chores’ or other responsibilities? Because, they can wait!

Design yourself a SELF CARE LIST using the headings below. I have started some examples to help you on your way.

This will become your own individualised go-to document that you can refer to weekly, as a tool to prevent stress, and a place to turn to when you feel that wave hit.



– Healthy sleep habits, creating a bedtime routine or ritual and following it.
– Going out in nature daily.
– Wearing comfy clothes!
– Laughter and comedy.
– Movement.
– Drinking a herbal tea.
– Staying hydrated.
– Cuddling cats or other animals.
– Taking a bath.
– Fresh sheets on the bed!


– Reading a book.
– Chill out time; Netflix?
– Colouring, art, painting or being creative.
– Education and learning.
– Creating rituals for different seasons.
– Live music.
– Having breaks from social media.
– Journaling.
– Stargazing.
– Seeing a health professional.


– Talking with family.
– Dinner parties.
– Being a part of the community.
– Spiritual practice or religion.
– Setting intentions.
– ‘Me’ time.

Some of your ideas may come under all of the headings above, and that’s okay!

This is just a start to help you create your own individual guide, something you can relate to and actually implement.

Don’t forget, ‘boring’ self care can sometimes be the best for you! This can be things like cleaning your room, or washing your face before bed.

I would love to hear some of your favourite self care ideas! Tag @NutritionMindCollective on Instagram or Facebook so I can see ?

Jaime is a Clinical Nutritionist (BHSc) from Perth, Western Australia. Her passion is in nutrition and mental health, with a focus on eating disorders, as well as depression, anxiety and sleep disturbance. She volunteers for an eating disorder clinic through their online support program as a mentor. Jaime has lived experience with body image issues and an eating disorder which spanned six years, and it is her mission is to help people create a life where food can be enjoyed. Find her at Nutrition Mind Collective.


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