Free Kids Fitness Classes in Perth FitnessBy Goodness BloggersApril 19, 2021 Share FamFit is one of 2018’s biggest fitness trends, and with childhood obesity getting way outta control it’s high time to get those lil tootsies moving (and allow tired mamas to catch a coffee break or a spot of retail therapy!). Have them step away from the iPad and into these kid’s fitness classes at Surge Fitness Kings Square. Each school holidays, Surge offers two tremendous classes catering to tiny clients for Free – one to tone up and tame those energy levels, and the other Zen out over-active minds. Yup, totes FREE. Mini Warriors is a 45 min class, which is a pint-sized version of Surge’s numero uno fave program for big people, TFW (Training for Warriors). It’s on Tuesdays at 11AM. Mini Warriors is a team training for kids four to 12 years old that improves cardio, strength, mobility, flexibility and educated kids that keeping fit and eating healthy is FUN. Kids Yoga is a 45 min class that takes young ‘uns ages four up to 12 years on Thursdays at 11AM. It introduces them to the perks of poses, which will have them flaunting their downward dog and salute to the sun like a Yogi. This interactive class includes stretching, bending, twisting and simple poses that help improve flexibility, strength and mobility. Also included is lots of breath work to help slow down the sympathetic nervous system and help calm minds. Surge Fitness is nailing all the biggest fitness trends for 2018, is all about fun for the whole fam bam including the four-legged kind – you may have seen them pioneering Kitten Yoga recently (yaaaasssss). Watch this space for upcoming free Konga and Jungle Body classes. And, if that’s not enough motivation for you to get your butt into gear, here are four more fab reasons to sample the freebie classes. Active kids are smarter! Greater rates of activity in children have been associated with higher academic results, not to mention physical and cognitive development go hand-in-hand… so when kids are active, their brain develops. Aerobic activity has been shown to increase the size of essential brain structures and the number of neural connections. Genius! Active kids are GOOD! Regular physical activity has been associated with improved behaviour. Nuff said. Active kids are happier! Frequent activities requiring a high degree of balance and coordination have been associated with improved emotional response, and regular exercise decreases symptoms of depression and anxiety and promotes health and self-image in children. Happy days. Active kids are healthier! Children who are active 60 minutes per day demonstrate lower rates of obesity, and they’re likely to carry it over into 18+ as active children are more likely to become active adults. All Surge Fitness instructors are fully qualified and hold valid and up to date WWC checks and First Aid so your most precious beings will be in safe hands while you find some “Me Time”. Speaking of, finding your own time to exercise with little ones in tow can seem damn-near impossible, so if you’re feeling it you could even catch a class while they do. Surge Fitness Kings Square has full health club facilities along with all the trimmings like Yoga, Pilates, Konga, Jungle Body and TFW. Their massive cycle studio will get your heart racing, or opt for some time out in their super-chill Wellness Hub – zoning out with a massage, working out the knots with a physio or an enjoying a slice of time with a friendly dietitian. It’s right in the hustle and bustle of the CBD so we recommend snagging an easy bay by parking near Perth Arena. Bookings are essential & can be made via contacting Surge Reception on (08) 9408 5659 or via email on [email protected] Head to their Facebook Event page for further details. Image: @shelby.sheene POPULAR TAGS | goodness pick, Main, discover, trending Goodness Bloggers Our Goodness Bloggers are dedicated to bringing you the latest healthy news, inspiring content and everything you need to know about health, fitness and wellness industry.