

Instagram has just unveiled their latest play in the battle of Facebook VS Google, IG TV!

That’s right, remember Facebook owns Instagram and Google owns Youtube so this is another power play for attention by the two big dogs of the digital world.

IG TV is an app for watching long-form vertical video from your favourite creators and it also is the beginning of new in-app changes to the original Instagram app - update your Instagram app to start watching IG TV content today.

IG TV is focused hugely around creators, Instagram recognises that young people are watching 40% less TV and consuming more and more content from creators on Instagram and Youtube so this platform is designed to highlight this. Using smart technology to feed you the content you want to see and find interesting, the app interface allows you to swipe through easily and jump from video to video, as well as a dedicated popular feed and search functionality.

The Big Changes!

  • The App is 100% mobile-first design, user experience and content. All video is in vertical format, like Instagram Stories. No more rotating your phone.
  • There is no longer a 1 minute limit to video, everything is longer so you get to see the whole thing rather than a sneak peak that takes you offsite.
  • The apps are connected, following someone’s channel on IG TV also follows them on Instagram so you’re more connected with their content.
  • Content galore, the app is already in use by all of the biggest creatives in the world, no waiting for a slow build up of content, this is going to be HUGE from Day One!

What does this mean for your business? 

  • No more tossing up between shooting portrait or landscape, just point and shoot as you would an Instagram Story.
  • This update is going to see regular people becoming creators without the difficulty of editing Youtube videos and not having their content found. Video is on the rise and so is sharing your life through it.
  • Influencer marketing is about to get ANOTHER huge wave of energy, if you haven’t invested already, now is the time.
  • Another platform to invest your time into? Not quite, consider this your new, jacked up Instagram Stories.

Instagram presented a keynote on the topic in San Francisco yesterday detailing the update, see the full video here.


We are SUPER excited about it here at SG HQ, what are your thoughts?


Image by Mashable


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