
A Moulin Rouge dancer and TV presenter turned highly successful health and wellness guru; Melissa Ambrosini has truly nailed what it means to run a heart-based business.

We caught up with Melissa to chat business and learn her inside tips on starting your own. She also shares why ‘wealthy’ isn’t a dirty word and the most significant lesson she’s learned about running a business.

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It seems that a lot more people are looking at starting their own businesses nowadays. What do you think is the greatest part about being your own boss? 

Freedom. Freedom to do and create whatever you want, without having to check with someone else.

What advice would you give to other women looking to start their own business?

Find the thing that lights your soul up — whatever that is — and do that.

You often say “wealthy is not a dirty word” what is it about this believe that people have that you think holds them back in business the most? 

I think, we’ve got to get clear on our relationship with money and some people have a really funny relationship with money and money is just energy and it needs to be circulated and I think we’ve got to get really comfortable with that concept — that money is just energy and its creative energy and it needs to flow. We have to be mindful of our money stories, what are we telling ourselves about our money story and then potentially re-write your money story… if you need to.

Success is a subjective word. What does true ‘success’ mean to you?

Success to me is, putting my head on my pillow at night and saying, “yes, I lived today as my best self to it’s fullest potential. I did work that I loved, I nourished my body, I was kind, I played, I was happy, I was present in everything that I did — that to me is the success. I was of service, I made a difference, I helped people, I supported people.” If I can say yes to all of those things, then I’ve had a successful day.

What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced owning your own business to date?

I don’t see anything as a challenge. I see everything as an opportunity for growth. The only thing I can really think of would be — like you do spend a lot of time on your own. I spend a lot of time alone in my office eon my laptop, so you’ve got to make the effort to interact with human beings that have two legs, you know? Like, yeah not your dogs, your cat or your dog — like actual human beings. Sometimes I go days without seeing an actual human being besides my husband and think “oh wow, I need to get out, I’m going a bit crazy.”

Life is always teaching us new lessons and helping us evolve. What is the most recent lesson you’ve learned in business?

Not something of late. But a big lesson is, you’ve always got to listen to your intuition in business. Because when you ignore your intuition, the universe will give you a consequence. There’s always a price to pay when you ignore your intuition, always.


And that is a wrap. We hope we have provided some healthy business inspiration from the one and only Melissa Ambrosini. We love supporting wellness businesses and know we have the secret sauce when it comes to getting things out to our Green Goodness Co audience.

We have put together a range of options to help promote what your business has going on. Whether it be an event, promotion or just get some more eyes on your business we have something to help you. Below are some campaign options or head to the shop.

Please connect with us either way if you want to talk about how we can help.

In love & goodness,

Rach xx

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