The Real Healthy Lives of Perth - Rawpublic

Our latest series where we get up close and personal with Perth's very own wellness warriors. Whether they're moving, nourishing or nurturing, we find out their top tips and what makes them tick!


The gorgeous Courtney from Rawpublic started out studying nutrition, when she came across a book that changed her whole outlook on nourishing and cleansing her body, thus starting her raw food journey.

Today, Courtney is a raw, vegan blogger, with a nutrition degree under her belt, makes raw, vegan cakes for family, friends and local cafés and is wanting to open a food truck with her fiancé, Todd.

We asked her a few questions about how she chooses to nourish, nurture, move and live the green in her daily life!

Tell us about yourself; what do you do?

I’m a nature loving, wellness warrior, nutritionist and raw food chef.

Currently, I cater for private events such as weddings, yoga retreats and parties. I’m also in the process of building a food van.

If you could go anywhere in the world right now where would you go and why?

I have been known to travel for fruit and often plan my adventures around fruit festivals. Since there aren’t any that come to mind at the moment I’d say South America for the fruit! There would be a stop to the Amazon Rainforest to learn about medicinal plants and herbs, Machu Picchu, Easter Island, Uyuni Salt Flats.. But my list could go on forever.

What does your ideal day consist of?

An ideal day for me would start with yoga when I first rise (at least 30 minutes - more if I am lucky) to energise my body and stretch my muscles. Then I’ll have some lemon water followed by a green smoothie or one loaded with berries, to hydrate my body and fill it with micronutrients and antioxidants. Then it would be some recipe testing - I absolutely love creating new recipes and styling them. Some people make art with paints or instruments, but my creative outlet is food!

After that I’ll make a trip to my local raw food cafe for a late lunch and then head around the corner to visit my folks for a catch up.

Late afternoon might be a sunset picnic at the beach with music, kombucha and my girlfriends and fiance - oh and some snacks like hummus, veggie sticks and crackers - everything is better with hummus, right?!

Before bed I’ll get back on the yoga at for a light stretch and meditation.

Where is your favourite place to eat right now?

Heaven Cafe at FERN is pretty much my favourite place to eat at the moment. There’s such a lovely atmosphere there. I love sitting outside in the garden soaking up some sunshine and admiring the fruiting trees while I eat.

How do you like to relax at the end of the day?

Chilling out in the garden with a pot of tea It sounds so simple, but there is something so magically soothing about sitting down with a warm cup of tea and sipping it while watching the birds in the trees.

Do you have a favourite organic or natural beauty product?

I use the whole “If you wouldn’t eat it, don’t put it on your skin” as a general rule for how I pick products I use on my skin. At the moment I am really enjoying making my own skin and hair care products from ingredients I have in my kitchen. Hemp oil for moisturiser, lavender and rose water for toner, and DIY face masks from things like Japanese matcha and oats.

What is the most intensive workout you’ve ever experienced?

If would definitely be a boxing workout I did at a local sports club a few years ago. It was intense! I remember getting back to my car and strongly contemplating walking home because my arms were shaking so much. Haha!

Do you feel pressure to look a certain way?

Definitely! We are surrounded by advertising and images that put a lot of value on outward appearances. We are constantly exposed to unrealistic images of how we ‘should’ look, rather than acknowledging that every body is different and that beauty is a quality of the heart, it’s more than skin deep.

Have you ever struggled with your own body image?

One of the health issues I have overcome is eczema. During my most recent and largest flare up I was covered from head to toe in eczema. At that time I was so harsh on my appearance and myself. It was really tough.

What advice do you have for people with body image issues?

Overcoming health struggles and having the opportunity to re-evaluate what is important really helped me. Instead of constantly listing the things I wasn’t happy with (with my body), I started listing the things I was grateful for.

Changing how I spoke to my body and using affirmations to practicing self-acceptance and self-love has really helped me.

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