10 Benefits Of Adding Wellness To Your WorkoutsFitnessBy Green Goodness CoJune 17, 2021 Share Fancy your own personal wellness concierge? It’s not just a thing for Hollywood-types and elite athletes anymore. Having a personal wellness “concierge” sounds a like something straight outta the Hollywood hills, but addressing all our health, wellness, fitness and nutrition concerns in a one-stop-shop is a Real People thing now. The 360-degree approach at Surge Fitness is helping cover all the colours of the fitness, health and nutrition rainbow. Here are the upshots! It Will Save You Time Having a side of wellness with your workout could be the ultimate way to streamline our mind-body time – because let’s be honest, staying fit and healthy can feel like a really hectic full-time job! What with the slew of workouts from Pilates, yoga, running, cycle, barre and HIIT. And then there’s the all that diet advice which seems to change daily – is it kale or smoothies today? Aside from the regular health club staples of personal training, an impressive timetable of classes, and the Training for Warriors 8 Week Challenge program (the only place in Perth licenced to offer this!), Surge also offers additional services like massage, physio and nutrition in their club. Members can book on an as-needed basis - much like a hotel concierge would book a personal training session in a timeslot that suits you. So simple! You Will Form Healthier Habits Learning about healthy habits means you’ll ultimately shift into a health-conscious mindset that benefits you. From food choices to workout schedules, Surge can offer a complete, personalised plan through its in-house network of experts – from personal trainers to dieticians. It Will Help You Stick to Your Plan Make like an elite athlete and maximise your performance with a one-on-one, personalised, long-term health and fitness regimen that can help you feel your best every single day, at any age. Having a comprehensive health and wellness plan will help you stick to achieving your goals as part of your overall lifestyle approach. It’s More Fun When things get boring, repetitive and draining, it lowers your motivation levels. At Surge, you’ll be encouraged to mix things up by partaking in a new class. The group fitness timetable at Surge includes offerings such as cycle, Vinyasa and Yin yoga classes, Barre, Animal Flow, The Jungle Body and Les Mills classes among others. Plus, Training for Warriors (TFW)—the eight-week challenge designed to help you lose fat and gain a whole lotta muscle – offers an intensive program of fat blasting metabolic circuits, strength, flexibility and mobility training and nutrition advice. It’s fun to try new things, so Surge can help you to open yourself up to new health and fitness experiences. You’ll Up Your Productivity Engaging in wellness activities like exercise and eating well increases productivity and performance. Your brain will be better focused for tasks, and you’ll feel more energised and motivated. Winning! You’ll Be Happier People who engage in wellness activities and devote themselves to getting a little “me time” are generally more content. Plus, given exercise releases happy hormones (endorphins), it’s clear to see that healthy living can make you all-out delighted in life, people! You’ll Be Hotter Healthy living doesn’t just make you look good but nourishes the way you feel as well. However, at Surge, we also mean that literally. The luxurious change rooms and towel service make swanning in and out on your lunch break easy as pie, with massive lockers, GHD hair dryers AND straighteners and an ironing board ensuring you leave looking groomed to perfection. Now that’s hot. You’ll Make Mates Hello friend! Group activities that involve health and fitness will get you bonding with your fellow classmates. You’ll start to form relationships and your social health can thrive. You’ll Spend Less on Medical Exercise and taking care of your health means your whole wellbeing will benefit. You are less likely to get sick and injured, saving you money in the long run – so less doctor’s visits, fewer pills to take, less medicine to force down. Heck yes! You’ll Be Less Stressed One of the key factors in good health and wellness is learning stress management. When we are stressed, we are more likely to engage in unhealthy behaviours and in turn, destroy our mental outlook. Being a member of Surge encourages movement, mindfulness and social engagement – which can all help you relieve the daily built up stress. Feeling stressed? Head down to Surge for a little 30 minutes sesh and you’ll feel more relaxed in no time! Surge offers a “health club with heart” who won’t only work out your body but can de-stress your mind because looking good and feeling great is about more than lifting weights - it’s a holistic health shift that caters to your mind, body and soul! Join Surge Fitness Perth Today Image: Surge Fitness Perth POPULAR TAGS | goodness pick, Main, discover, trending Green Goodness Co Green Goodness Co is your ultimate source for curated news on real food, fitness, wellness, health, mindfulness & green beauty. We’re dedicated to sharing all you need to know about goodness in your city.