6 Foods to Improve Acne Lifestyle, Natural Beauty, Natural Therapies, Skin CareBy Green Goodness CoNovember 21, 2021 Share Of all the skin problems, acne is the most common. Acne is characterised by the presence of blackheads, whiteheads (pustules), red papules (small red, bumpy pimples), nodules and / or cysts. And the problem can get worse because of: Hormones Keratinisation: the hardening of the protein keratin in the outer layers of the skin. Sebum: the waxy oil our skin produces for lubrication and protection. Bacteria: Propionibacterium acnes is the main causative bacteria, altering sebum production and promoting inflammation So, what the flip do we do about it? Well, my friend, as the saying goes, “beauty begins from within”; the key may very well lay in the foods you’re nourishing that banging body of yours with… Here are my Clear Skin Diet faves: 1. O I L Y F I S H: By now you should know that fat isn’t the enemy. If it’s a good fat, it’s all good. Fatty acid Omega 3 is especially good (heck, it’s actually great). Found in oily fish, like salmon, trout, mackerel and sardines, and also in fish oil supplements, Omega 3 works as an anti-inflammatory and prevents inflammation. It’s also highly moisturising, preventing dryness and damage, and helping to keep skin cells plump and nourished. So it’s no surprise that Omega 3s are totes vital for skin health. Walnuts and chia, hemp and flax seeds (and their oils) are also rich in omega 3, and provide great alternatives for those preferring plant-based options. 2. C A C A O: Raw cacao is not only a powerful antioxidant, but is also loaded with zinc. Zinc reduces sebum over-production, balances hormones, and has been shown to be as effective for acne treatment as antibiotics! Zinc prevents inflammation, but also scarring – great news for acne sufferers. Meanwhile, antioxidants help to slow premature ageing, neutralise free radicals in the body and therefore prevent cell damage. They combat the damage caused by stress, smoking, drinking too much alcohol or being exposed to too much sun/pollution or having a poor diet. They also reduce the risk of developing cancers (including skin cancers). 3. K I W I F R U I T: Kiwis are packed full of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is super helpful in preventing bacterial infection and in preventing inflammation. It also helps to regenerate collagen, keeping skin tight and wrinkle-free. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant. 4. S W E E T P O T A T O: This veggie is a fantastic source of beta-carotene – the antioxidant known for the orange colouring it lends to fruit and veg, and a precursor to Vitamin A. When it comes to addressing acne, Vitamin A is responsible for decreasing androgens and decreasing sebaceous gland activity. This vitamin also helps to control accumulation of keratin, preventing drying or sagging of the skin. 5. H 2 O: Poor old water. It only makes up about 70% of our bodies, and we’d only survive about 3 days without it, but it always seems to be totally underestimated when it comes to our first port-of-call for health. If you aren’t drinking at least 2 litres per day of pure, filtered water, what are you doing?! H2O helps to keep skin soft and smooth, helps to flush out toxins from the body, and delivers all-important nutrients to our skin cells. Struggle to get your water down throughout the day? Try adding some fresh lemon juice for not only flavour, but the added bonus of boosted digestive health (and just watch that skin glow when you’re tummy’s in working order) 6. S A U E R K R A U T: Fermented foods, like good old Sauerkraut, are great sources of enzymes and also great for boosting immune health. Enzymes help boost digestion, but they also help enhance cleansing in the body, assist in rebuilding cells (including skin cells), and help boost the absorption of nutrients and vitamins important for skin and overall health. And, when our immune system is in tip-top shape, we’re more easily able to fend off infection – including acne-causing bacterial infections. Including more of the above – and far less (ideally zero) of the acne-triggering foods like gluten, dairy, and refined sugars – in your diet could be just the thing your skin is crying out for. You can read more about natural acne remedies and our clear skin advice here and here! Blog post lovingly provided by Goodness Blogger Emily Bathgate POPULAR TAGS | goodness pick, Main, discover, trending Green Goodness Co Green Goodness Co is your ultimate source for curated news on real food, fitness, wellness, health, mindfulness & green beauty. We’re dedicated to sharing all you need to know about goodness in your city.