Goodness Spotlight: Green On The Go

Brittany is the brains behind the wholesome food truck, Green On The Go. Supporting the people of Perth wholesome & well balanced take-away meals.

Q. What do you love about what you do?

There'ss so many things I love about what I do. I love opening my customers eyes about simple, wholesome nutrition. My food has minimal ingredients with no hidden unnecessary ingredients which always pleasantly surprises them when they try it & it actually tastes good. I love that I am mobile, I'm able to move from suburb to suburb & meet all types of people. I especially love my current location because customers bring their dogs & babies down to the park which I can't help but have a smile on my face! I love the different people I meet daily, hearing their stories & talking about our past experiences. We are complete strangers yet we end up sharing such personal things about ourselves. There's something really special about it.

Q. What's the number one value or motto you live by?
Everything happens for a reason'. No matter be it good or bad, I
believe every movement, every decision, every life event has a purpose
in our future. Sometimes those reasons appear instantly & you have that
'ah huh' moment, others may take a while leaving you questioning
yourself. Because I believe in this it motivates me to keep moving
forward & never wonder 'why me'. There is always a lesson to be learnt
from any situation.

 Q.When you're having a hump day, how do you turn your frown upsidE down?
There are a lot of moments while working such a physical & time-consuming
job that I often find myself falling into a rut. I recognise that
it's just a frame of mind & remind myself straight away of how fortunate
I am, of how far I've come & I think back to where I was a year ago &
instantly my mood changes. If this fails, a cuddle with my dog works
pretty well!!

 Q. If you could give your younger self one piece of advice what would it be?
I would say to keep doing what you're doing. Like I said, everything
happens for a reason. Every decision I previously made led me to where
I am today. I love the life I live which I wouldn't have without my past
achievements, mistakes & paths chosen.

 Q. Whats your number one life lesson you've learned?
Being a true Virgo, I love to be super organised & plan everything to
the last detail. This is one of my best attributes but also one of my
biggest downfalls. With owning & operating your own business comes
knowing not everything will go as planned.You have to be able to think
on the spot & change plans spur of the moment. At first, the idea of this
stressed me out but I quickly learnt if I want to be successful & most
importantly, happy & sane then I have to handle situations differently. I
no longer planA-Z but ratherA-C. Since then I have my stress in check
& can give my full attention to the present instead of worrying about the
Look out for Brittany and the Green On The Go Food truck in and around Perth!

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